Family Owned & Operated Primary Care Clinic.
Monday-Thursday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Friday 9:00am - 1:00pm
(505) 883-8099
See For Yourself
Everything here I have personally used for years, and will continue to use (Thank You, Michelle!). We now provide these services to our patients because I believe these infusions may also benefit many of our patients. Please review the information below; it will answer most questions and provide clinical data supporting these therapies. - Ethan Adler, NP
Consider Myers Cocktail infusions if...($175/500mL or $225/1L IV Infusion) have chronic diseases, including diabetes, fibromyalgia, migraines, asthma/allergies, autoimmune disorders, gut disorders (Crohns Disease, IVS, UC or others), malnutrition or vitamin deficiencies for any reason, anxiety or excessive stress, fatigue, excessive alcohol intake, PMS/menstrual symptoms, chronic pain, and for those receiving powerful medical treatments or drugs (chemo or for autoimmune disorders), and many others.
Vitamin C: 2000 mg
Magnesium Chloride: 1500 mg
Calcium Gluconate: 150 mg
Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin): 1500 mcg
Vitamin B Complex: (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6): 200/4/200/4/4 mg
Dexpanthenol (Vitamin B5): 250 mg
These people may benefit from NAD+ injections or infusions ($125/300mg IM Injection or $175 for 500mL IV infusion):
Those experiencing age-related cognitive decline, neurodegenerative conditions, fatigue or 'brain fog', or for biohackers or anti-aging enthusiasts, athletes/high performers, and those in addiction recovery, including other conditions or symptoms..
Infusions/Injetions are available only to Adler Family Practice patients, require a scheduled appointment, and are not covered by insurance, You will be seen by a provider, reconcile your medication list, and be "medically cleared" by them prior to receiving these any injection . IV's will be started and monitored by an onsite provider during your infusion. ​​
Additional NAD+ Information:
The above are cash pay services and because of insurance rules, we are unable to provide Primary Care medical services on the same day as an infusion or injection.